inner peace, no matter what

Welcome! Here you'll find a down-to-earth attitude to "spiritual" growth. Stillness and serenity are always present within, underneath our very human feelings of anger, anxiety and tension.
Over the years I've taken a mind- body approach to inner peace and well-being, practicing and teaching techniques that are easy to learn yet profoundly effective. They stand the tests of time and usefulness.
I began meditating when I was just 15 years old. That, plus a trick that dissolves distressing thoughts and feelings outside of meditation, are "magic bullets" that truly deliver the calmness and ease we all seek.
Here's one Amazon review of my book:
Out of the many meditation books I have read over the years this is the best. Written perfectly in a clear and to-the-point style, the author presents her simple but powerful meditation technique - EDM
I have been enjoying the benefits of meditation for a long time, but have always found it challenging to get into the zone without a lot of hard concentration and mental gymnastics.
After reading this book in one sitting, then trying the technique right after, I think I may have turned a corner, as I slipped into the meditative state familiar to me within the first two minutes. I'm looking forward to seeing where the EDM technique takes me over the next couple of weeks.